
Showing posts from April, 2020

The Thruth Burning Belly Fat.


How to gain weight naturally

HOW TO GAIN WEIGHT NATURALLY hey everyone it's a video today and today I have a very different video today we're going to be kick starting off a new series that I wanted to introduce on my channel haven't like worked out what I want to call it yet but it's something along the lines of like my health series but um in case you haven't realized by clicking onto this video I just like to call this video 35 to 40 3 kilos kicking off this last video I'm you're talking about weight gauge so that was at one point in my life where I came start incredibly skinny the lowest I'd ever been in my adult life it was probably 35 kilograms I don't know what that is in pounds but I'll convert that on the bottom and show you guys it's shocking like it's very very skinny but also I have always been so incredibly skinny my whole life I'm currently like the heaviest I've ever been in my life and it's not even that ...

Talking About Fitness In English.

TALKING  ABOUT FITNESS . hey I'm the Huracan and welcome back to a new lesson today we are going to talk about being fit talking about fitness okay now of course because of the festive season all the sweets and all the oily food and delicacies that I have been pigging on I realized that I have gained a lot of weight so it's time for me to get back in shape so we are going to here look at some expressions that you can use while talking about fitness okay so the first one that we have to get fit or to get in shape that's the one I just used it basically means that you want to become more healthy and lose some weight okay you need to lose the flab okay so that's what you can use to get fit or to get in shape okay so you can say oh I want to become I won't get back in shape which means that you want to lose weight okay then we have workout now workout basically means it's the period of exercise okay it's an exercise routine...