How to protect your self from coronavirus ?


Hello friends welcome back we're going to talk about a very

Very important question that I got from
many viewers that what protection should
we take when we are going out
even during lockdown now remember one
thing very clear before start of the
video let me make one thing very clear
we are not encouraging anyone to go out
during lockdown nobody has been
encouraged to go out from your house
during lockdown period lockdown means
absolute lockdown you should be staying
at your home at any cost but if in high
emergency situation by any kind of
situation you need to go out sometimes
to get some something from a market
after one week or two week of the
lockdown .

Or you need to go out for some emergency
some medical emergency or some situation

So again let me tell you we are not
encouraging anybody to go out in this
lockdown period but if Adam medical
emergency situation you need to go out
then what protection should you take to
prevent yourself to catch a corona virus
infection okay so first things first let
me tell you a few things what you need
you need very basic things that is
present in every household till this
time so the first thing that you need is
to set of clothes okay one inner clothes
like this one and an external flow inner
cloth can be half an external float

which should be full sleeve I did you
are a girl or a boy use both in your
clothes and outer clothes the outer
clothes should be full sleeve remember
that and the sleeves should must be very
tight and close if they're a wrist you
should close it up here okay so use
something really tight that can seal
your wrist still this portion okay this
is the very first thing you should tie
everything every single thing here out
there I'm not going to show that but
this is the way you should wear it this
is the very first thing that you should
do the second thing you should wear full
sleeve even full pants okay it's not any
half or anything full times that's
another thing .

Jeans are anything but full the third
thing that you need is a pair of shoe
you should not wear sleeper no way no
slipper we're complete covered foot that
means our idea here is not to expose any
portion of our scheme okay so we're shoe
instead of slipper these are the three
things about your dress now comes to the
further protection that you need to take
okay so once that thing is done once you
close your your overall clothing you
choose your clothing it's done the
second thing is a further protection now
your hands are open your mouth is open
the thing is here are the infection
spreads via the droplets and mostly when
you touch your mouth nose or eye so you
need glass if you are a spectacle .

Fine otherwise still you need to wear a
glass whether it's a sunglass or
anything but where a glass to protect
your eyes so where you glass done then
the fourth thing here should be the mask
any kind of mask it can be
you know it doesn't matter the only
thing the mask is doing here is to
prevent your hands to touch your nose
and mouth
that's the only thing no respiration
stuff here so even a you know basic mask
that is billed with a very cotton piece
is fine there's no doubt about it but
just wear a mask like this okay so air a
mask I don't know whether the audio will
be clear after wearing a mask or not but
let me try it here wear a mask and after
after you I just I need to get it down
anyway I wear it later on after you wear
your mask you also need to close as I
told you need to close your wrist .

So just close it down both the wrists so
that as much you know tight you can do
and then you also need a pair of gloves
now it can be any basic surgical gloves
or it can be this kind of gloves these
gloves are good because you can use them
subject to gloves which whites white
color gloves you cannot use them so this
is it you should wear the gloves you can
see how I am wearing it completely
covering my hands like this what the
graphs you should wear like this okay
done if you don't have these gloves fine
you can waive the surgical gloves which
are white color you can get it in the
medical shop in the in a good big
medical supply store so that's it our
hands are covered you can see it's
totally covered .

Nothing is exposed from here now only
thing is we have shoes in our legs so
nothing's exposing from there as well
the only thing exposing your mouth when
you put the mask it will be covered to
this portion now the fur for further
protection what you what else we need is
a helmet so let me put the mask on again
okay mask is on now the helmet this is
the last thing that you need here any
kind of ailment will do the trick should
use it you know it's further protection
you should wear it like this and tie it
up done so this is it and finally cover
it up so this should be your way you
know should also cover it like this so
this should be a way and
the thing about your your neck in this
portion try to use a scarf use a scarf
to cover this up or simply you drag your
collar up drag your collar up and ties
the collar button .


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